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Yeguada Vergara currently has more than 50 selected Purebred Spanish Horses.
All of them have the necessary certifications and documentation issued by the National Association of Spanish Horse Breeders (ANCCE).
At the same time, all the animals have an exhaustive veterinary control both externally and internally.

Natural surroundings

Animal welfare

Animal safety



The work we carry out with the stallions is done according to the qualities we have observed since birth.
If a foal has great qualities for sport, we will carry out specific training for the discipline that best suits him, whether it is dressage, cowboy dressage or working equitation.
If a colt, in addition to functional qualities, presents a splendid morphology, we will focus it more on morphological competition.
We could also sell this type of horses for sale, for people looking to enjoy a beautiful and functional animal.
Regardless of the specific training for which they are selected, all of them previously receive a basic training.
This would consist of: handling of the branch, handling in the shower, hoof cleaning, braiding, etc.
We also carry out a basic dressage training in all of them, which involves teaching them to work the three gaits (walk, trot and canter), as well as putting them in the saddle, stirrups and performing the first rides.


Our specimens contain genetic lines from the best national and international stud farms, both in terms of functional and morphological lines.
This allows us to have the basis to be able to breed special animals within the Spanish Purebred.
These genetic lines result in noble, faithful and beautiful specimens.
When selecting brood mares, one of the qualities we take into account the most is the quality of movements.
This parameter will be observed periodically in all phases of the animal’s development, from birth.

One of our main ideas is the training of our future broodmares in order to have a more specific selection of each specimen.


Our Pura Raza Española colts and fillies are the result of a rigorous selection of the progenitors for their qualities for dressage and their morphological aptitude.
In the development of our colts we can highlight 3 important aspects:



We consider important to adapt the feeding of breeding mares from the first month of gestation for a good development of the fetus.We also adapt the feeding of the mothers during the lactation period of the foal, which is essential for a good growth of the foal.Apart from providing the appropriate feed for each growth phase, we provide each animal with the best products with selected raw materials and complementary supplements (mineral salts, vitamins, etc.).


An exhaustive protocol of vaccination and deworming (internal and external) is carried out starting with pregnant mares.Continuing with an individual protocol for each animal from birth, and with a specific periodicity for each type of treatment.All protocols are constantly reviewed by our veterinary specialists.


We have protocols for each phase of the animal's growth.- Birth: navel treatment to avoid possible infections; mane and tail shearing for better hygiene and growth; supplementation with a natural vitamin complex to help them gain strength in the first days of life.- 6 months: they are microchipped and undergo a veterinary assessment by ANCCE (National Association of Spanish Horse Breeders) so that they can have all the regulatory documentation.- 8 months: weaning takes place.- 12 months: males and females are separated.- 15 months: first breeding selection to focus on the development and specific training of each animal.- 24 months: second breeding selection to be able to verify our expectations of the first selection or to redirect the conclusions taken.


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