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Baños de Ledesma Farm

The main facilities of Yeguada Vergara are located in the “Finca Baños de Ledesma” belonging to the municipality of Vega de Tirados (Salamanca).
The name of this farm comes from the Baños de Ledesma Spa, a wonderful and peaceful environment, which is located next to our farm.

For the development of the stud farm we have a 50 hectare complex, which includes: a yard with 20 boxes (4 meters x 4 meters); an indoor arena; a walker for 6 horses; paddocks for foals; four meadows for mares and foals and an area for breeding.
In addition, there is a hall for events, laboratory, offices, dressing rooms and dining room.


We have 20 boxes of 4 meters x 4 square meters each.
Each one of these boxes has: rubber floor, automatic feeder and drinker. The boxes are divided with semi-covered separators. Ventilation through automatic windows in the roofs. Security cameras to control the animal 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
These boxes have very wide doors that allow us an easy handling in the daily cleaning of the stable and with a special glass to improve the exterior visibility of the horse.


The most important facility for the training of our horses.
The surface of the arena is silica sand with geotextile fiber.
In order to have the best quality training ground, we use automatic sprinkler irrigationand a buggy with a harrow to level the arena on a daily basis.
The facility also has a wooden boot guard to ensure the safety of both rider and horse. Mirrors on the side walls so that riders can see themselves during exercises.
Large windows for good ventilation and sunlight.
It also has a box from where customers can watch the horses while they train.
In addition, it has artificial lighting and a piped music to train with music.


We have several outdoor workout tracks made with different materials depending on the training to be performed.
Each one is designed for a different type of work and training.


The farm has a walker of 15 meters in diameter with capacity for 6 horses.

Horses are usually trained there.
They have a rubber floor to avoid possible injuries to the joints, in addition to all the safety measures.

The horses have a weekly training plan made by the entire internal and external team of the stud and in it they specify the ideal moments and the exact time for each horse to train on the walker.


One of the things that may not be very common in the Spanish culture, but for us it is very important is that the horses that are usually in boxes have moments of freedom, so we have different paddocks.

The entire Yeguada Vergara team believes that this practice is crucial both for the health of the animals in terms of bones or muscles that, being free to stretch, run or walk without any kind of brake for the recovery of training more in track and mental where they disconnect and have fun jumping or rolling around.

This is an uncommon practice in the Spanish culture for different reasons: the lack of available spaces for this practice, the lack of awareness that it is something necessary for an animal that spends many hours enclosed within 4 walls (although the boxes are very spacious), freedom is necessary as a mental balance where they disconnect.


We have 20 hectares of meadows for the feeding and stay of our animals.
They are spacious and allow the animals to live in freedom.

We try to have a circular economy, for example, the excrement of the animals themselves can be used as fertilizer for the planting of their future food.

The unique environment, the life in freedom, the rotation of pastures guarantee the physical development and mental balance of our horses.

Breeding management shed

We have full-time internal veterinarians (in addition to external veterinarians for very specific terms) for the realization of all kinds of needs that may arise in animals, but with a more constant activity in reproduction.

We have our own space within the farm to carry out all the necessary veterinary activities (as well as another exclusive space for farriers) and intensive monitoring of the reproductive activity.
We perform about 200 veterinary actions in the reproductive field alone, including semen extractions from stallions, artificial insemination coverings or ultrasound examinations, among others.

Museum and event hall

We have a room/museum where you can see trophies of the stud farm and a hall where you can celebrate different types of events related to the stud farm.

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